Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Setting up a Google Group

So let's say that you are working to build up a new company or website or group or political community, there is nothing better than establishing a forum to create more conversation.

You will immediately be confronted however with the choice between going with a free group hosted by a monster company like Google or Yahoo or running your own forum on your domain.  If you run it on your domain, you get more options more control and you can earn money from the forum.  However, it could take you a long time to generate enough traffic and community for it to matter.

Setting up a free Google Group and making yourself a moderator is a very good option.  You get a number of great resources automatically, the group gets indexed by Google and many of the other communities and their members will be more likely to stumble into your group and join in the conversation.

Unless you think you will be collecting proprietary information for some potential later resale, I definitely recommend Google Groups as a sound solution to hit the ground running fast!

I have recently started one myself called the Writer's Collaborative where I am setting up a group to bring freelance internet writers together to share tips and knowledge and know how!

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