Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Resolution-Validation validation Validation!

Welcome everyone to the new year.  It's 2007 and a very promising is 365 days ahead of us.  There is a great deal to do and accomplish and we are all in a very good position to have a great new year.

My new years resolution is to keep all of my blogs and websites validated as completely as possible.

Many blogger bloggers will know that this is not always easy as the blogger templates and code do not validate well.  Plus many tools that are used to upload articles will push in garbage code that prevents the validation of the individual article.  For many reasons this is bad.  To put it simply, code that does not validate makes it very difficult and sometimes impossible for search engine crawlers and bots to index your site, find the content and make it available to searches from people looking for your information.

You should spend some time getting your blog validated and then work on keeping it validated!

In addition to the validator that comes with Dreamweaver, here are two validators that you should be familiar with when validating your blog and sites.  Not all validators will find all of the errors, so it is a good practice to check your code on multiple validators to get the code as clean as possible.

W3.Org's Validation tool

WDG HTML Validator


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